Making Hay
As a young boy we lived opposite open farmland, how we loved messing around in the fields and close by woodland, birds egging was the order of the day, my mates and me used to find nests of all species, when I look now I find nothing, I guess the years have stripped me of my youthful knowledge. The time we looked forward to most was when the farmer cut the hay, the wildlife that lived in the grass in those long gone time was vast, voles were a plenty as were fieldmice, watching the Kestrel hovering over a newly cut field was a site to behold (still is) The hay was baled and left in the fields for what seemed weeks, we would make dens with the bales, castles, etc we had endless fun, all his would take place in September. Why mention this now?
Making Hay
Well as I sat in my garden pondering as we do on a lovely sunny June day, a tractor appeared and proceeded to cut the grass in the field at the rear of my property, it's June 3rd, how times have changed aye. I guess with modern fertilisers etc the grass grows quick enough to harvest twice in a season, but at what cost to the wildlife we knew as kids?