Seeking shade
I slowly positioned myself behind the trunk of a tree and watched with anticipation, all of a sudden a second cub appeared, it dropped down from inside the feeder and then jumped straight back up. I wanted to be nearer to them so it was a hands and knee job to maneuver into a better vantage point, all the time the first cub was under the feeder, he then decided to join his sibling by leaping into the upper level, he fell straight back down looking quite embarrassed by his situation. I could see the tail of the second one dangling down i decided to squeak them and see what happened, as i did a third one appeared from behind the furrow and came directly towards me but i was kneeling behind a bed of nettles so never got a clear shot oh him, when he saw me he turned and ran towards the wood to my right, i guessed he was spooked and not to be seen again, i was wrong, within seconds he was approaching me from the side.
I got you spotted mate
I did get an image of him albeit not perfect as he only hung around for a matter of seconds, he also alerted the others which put an end to my fox fun.
I have to say it was pleasure to be in their company for a short period time and to see them reasonably close up, when you consider the bad press their Urban Cousins are getting at present it seems strange when these guys and gals are spooked at the slightest site of a human.
Time i thought to check on the Kestrel down the patch. They hang about in the Oak tree where they were born and always bugger off as i approach it, this time was no different apart that is for the first time i saw all four fly off together so i can confirm now all four made it through.
My Kes's

They circled for a few moments the disappeared into the tree's in canal spinney.
I walked to my hide and topped up the nut and sunflower heart feeders, as i did i was aware of the resident Buzzard flying quite low for a change, i watched a while before realising it was getting closer to me, the light was in the right direction so i took advantage of getting a few images.
Common Buzzards

Funny i have not discovered the nest of this pair yet, although i think they are nesting in the wood belonging to Joe Goddard's brother attached to my patch, maybe i will get to see their offspring, i certainly hope so. Well by now i look like a Turkey cock so i headed for home. As i walked in i said hello to Jak, she replied you must be mad! I can't argue with that.