Kes 1
I decided to sit a while to see if it would venture out, within seconds a second chick appeared from behind a large branch just above the box, only showing its head, very frustrating i must say.
Kes 2
I decided to walk around the backside of the Oak tree to see if i could get a better look, as i did a third chick took to the sky, it was great to see at least three have weaned and appear OK.
Kes 3
I feel sure in time i will locate the fourth one, when i consider the struggle the female had bringing up four chicks all i can say is she did a wonderful job, i am looking forward to checking on the progress of these little Falcons. I have really enjoyed plotting the ups and downs of this family, i guess we may never know what became of the male, i have still not had a sighting of him since i saw him with the damaged wing, he can feel proud of the part he played in giving life to four healthy young Kestrels, the female has worked wonders, i hope that their sucess is repeated next year, i may even put up a couple of extra nest boxes around the area in the hope one of their offspring hangs around.
A quick look today (5/5/10) revealed this fellow.