I decided to visit Saddington Reservoir, well know locally as a good spot for flutterby's. As I reached the turn into the resi I became aware of a blonde girl in the field that the road borders.
Chance meeting
I parked up and went for a closer look, by this time she was kneeling down looking towards the ground, is she taking drugs I thought? I approached her and shouted are you OK? She stood and said she was then asked should I not be here, I replied no problem I just wondered if you were OK. It turns out she was photographing small things, i.e. grass hoppers and small mouths etc that were habitating there. She saw I had a rather large one (Lens, drag ya neck in) and we got chatting about photography, it appears she would like to be a Professional togger and wanted to study the craft in collage. She asked me about my photography and said I had inspired her, I felt very pleased. I said goodbye to Danny and wished her well, she said she was pleased to have met me, I wish all chance meetings were as pleasant as this one.
Walking around the reservoir I became aware of a high number of Damsel Flies, I am interested in these but do not really have the equipment to photograph them properly.
Banded Damesell Female

I may in time invest in a proper Macro lens. I saw some Peacock butterflies, these never cease to impress me with their vibrant colours and massive eye's on their wings to deter predators always amazes me.
Peacock Butterflies
The Cabbage whites which were in abundance never interested me but I did see a few Comma's another strikingly beautiful butterfly. I have never been happy with my butterfly and insect images, one I don't think I have the patience to get the shots I might, also the macro equipment to do the job properly so I guess I will have to make do for now, I just can't resist photographing them when I get the chance though, and it gives me something to do when the birds are scarce which they appear to be at present as far as I am concerned.
Comma Butterfly
Not too many Dragon Flies to be seen around the reservoir but I did see a few Common Darter, i prefer the colouration on the female to be honest but I guess they are both beautiful in their own way.
Common Darter (Male)

Common Darter (Female)

I was getting bored now, giddy is probably a better description spinning around with the camera pressed to my face chasing bloody insects all over the place, so I decided to get myself over to Gumley, but before I did I took one last shot of a Bee on a thistle, when I looked at the pic on the PC I noticed the Hover Fly, hovering. Bonus aye.

I know an area in Gumley near the cricket pitch where a large Bramble grows and is a heaven for Dragon Flies for a reason unknown to me. But as I reached my chosen spot I noticed a tractor to my right, the guy inside got out and walked towards me, I said Hello mate to which he replied, you know you are way of the public right of way don't you? I replied no I didn't, he said well ya do now F. Off. I can hold my own in a shouting match but thought it would be fun to watch this guy explode as he appeared pretty much wound up as it was. I asked him not to swear at me, he said he will do as he liked as I had no right to be on his land. I asked him what rights did I have to which he replied you have no F.ing rights now F.off. I explained to him he was totally wrong and that I infact did have a right to be there, is that your car he said, yes I reply (which was parked one metre off the main road. He threatened to get his tractor and remove it, feel free I said and while you are doing that I will call the Police.
Mr Grump
I reminded him that he may well have been the bully at school, it may well have got the results he craved for, but it certainly was not going to work with me. At this point he stormed off muttering to himself and headed back to his tractor. I wished him well and suggested he have a nice day. What a contrast to the start of my day and other chance meeting in the field with Danny. I can't say it did not spoil my day a little, a simple would you get back on the road and I would have been gone. I wonder what wound him up today, maybe one of his cows shit on him at milking, I have to say I don't blame her either.
I decided it was time for home, I was mad, but was not going to let one annoying liaison spoil my day, as I entered the house Jak whistled me as she always does when I get back, Billy flew on my head and said "Where's Mick gone" made me smile.