The blue tits were the first quickly followed by the Green finch.
Blue tit
Green Finch
Chiff Chaff

Nice to see so many juvenile birds around, although I guess they will get thinned out a little as the Winter goes on. I became aware of a movement in the Hawthorn hedge to my right, at first I thought it was a Squirrel as the branches were moving more than they did with the smaller birds, it turned out to be a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, she took a peanut and disappeared, how lovely.Juvenile GSW
Here are a few of the birds that appeared in my short time at the hide.

Jenny Wren
Not quite sure what happened to this Black bird but if he is on the pull tonight I reckon he will be unlucky.
As you might guess it was not long before a squirrel paid a visit, he looked very contented sitting in the hedge chewing my nuts, and I was visited very briefly by another little mammal when this Field Mouse almost showed.
You can't see me, right?
All in all a very satisfactory couple of hours. As I walked across the field back to my car the sky was alive with House Martins, feeding up before their long trip to Africa, as I passed a high Hawthorn hedge I disturbed a Sparrow Hawk, I assume he was in waiting for his chance to snatch a House Martin, one little bird had a reprieve if only for a short time.