All silted up
It was here in 1973 I landed a Tench that was 9 ounces short of the British record at 8lb 8 oz's, the record being 9lb 1oz another personal triumph was two 20lb plus carp caught ten minutes apart, firstly a 23lb Mirror followed by a 25lb plus Mirror, in the days when 20's were still pretty rare. I studied the water for some time but saw noting to tell me that fish of this ilk are still present, I was made aware some years ago that most of the large carp were stolen. I did see some carp around the 5lb mark and a few tench in the 3lb class and a tiny little pike, perfection in miniature. I remember one January when working around the lake, I had a rod out with a sprat attached for any unsuspecting pike that may be around, I was not disappointed as I landed a fish of 22lb 8oz, maybe the great great great Grandmother of this tiny specimen.
A miniature predator
I strolled over to the church that sits close to the lake, as i did i remember fishing the lake at last light with a mate of mine, it was around ten pm when i decided to pack up for home, Tony said he wanted to stay another hour. When I saw him next he told me of his hour alone on the bank of the lake, his mind started to play havoc as the dark descended on him, it was when the organ in the church stared to play that he decided his nerves could take no more, he said there was no lights on in the church at the time but the music was blaring out. When i told him that Wistow church did not have an organ he was astounded, he swears to this day he heard it playing.
St Wistans church
The following is taken from the St Wistans websiteHuman hairs growing through the grass in Wistow Churchyard on 1st June". This is the legend which resulted from the murder in 849 of Saint Wistan, Christian Prince of Mercia, by his cousin, Brifardus, who coveted the throne and cared nothing for Christian principles. Little now remains of the early church built on the site of that murder, but the name Wistow, shortened from Wistanstowe (holy place of Wistan) reminds us of that Christian Prince.
Moving across the fields at the rear of the church towards the Grand Union canal I saw a couple of narrow boats moored, these looked like live aboards and have been there for some time. Now I love boats, I love the canals, I love water, but I have never fancied having a holiday on a canal boat it just doesn't appeal to me, not sure why, maybe the closeness of the banks i don't know, but i can see why people do enjoy it.
The Leicestershire Grand Union canal
As I looked from the canal bridge a small narrow boat approached the bridge, I waved at the two ladies on board and wished them well, they did likewise, i watched as they disappeared in the distance. I then became aware of a Chiff-Chaff singing in one of the tree's above me, I could hear it but not see it, so i turned to technology to help me out. I have a number of bird songs stored on my mobile, luckily i had the Chiff-Chaff, I played it and within seconds this little beauty appeared, infact at one point it nearly landed on my shoulder, I placed my mobile on the fence and within no time the Chiff-Chaff was investigating it.
Phone help
I guess its not fair to mess birds around like this too much, but it was great fun watching him for a minute of so, no harm done as I moved on
I had had a nice walk and decided to head back home, it was with nervous excitement as I was thinking about the up coming England game. My gaze was drawn to buttercups, they reminded me of my childhood days, did you know if you hold a buttercup flower under someones chin and it reflects yellow on their skin it means they like butter?
It may account why a few of my old mates from those days are gone now, too much butter, they all liked it, in fact i never found anyone who didn't like butter, i am so glad i went on the Flora. Jackie still eats butter and so does my old mate Geoff Capes (twice World strongest man) but i think even Geoff would agree that this Ladybird is biting off a little more than he can chew.
Now where shall I start
In relative terms if he gets through all those aphids he will be bigger than the great man. I recall a newspaper piece on Geoff where it listed his daily food intake, it was huge, i reckon this little Ladybird has him beat.
Well having a good morning, the afternoon was pretty good too, i watched the England game with my Grandson Jake who was like a cat on a hot tin roof during the game, all ended well with an England victory, bring on the Germans