My jigging gear
I had parked my car next to Joe's pond so decided on a couple of casts in there, as far as I am aware it does not hold any predatory fish, but you never know. Half a dozen casts later and I was on the move again. I left my car and headed towards the canal, here I could fish and hopefully see some Dragon flies. I bumped into Joe as I was leaving the Manor he told me he had recently noticed a couple of Kingfishers circling the pond, probably juveniles and seemed quite excited by the fact. I will be keeping my eye on this area the next week or so.
As I walked the towpath I saw a boat heading towards me, then one appeared from behind, it was soon evident that the fishing gear was to be just a passenger, the water was a dark muddy colour, not really conducive to lure fishing. I took the camera from my backpack which made it feel a little more comfortable and carried it on my should with the strap, at least I would be ready if a photo opportunity presented itself, It didn't, certainly not Dragonfly or bird wise anyway, it has been very quite as far as the birds are concerned for some time now. I did notice a few things that reminded me we were heading for Autumn though. One in particular was the sight of some conkers on a small chestnut tree.
Early Conkers
The fact that there was not a lot of wildlife to be seen made my walk no less pleasant, I am always happy when I am out and being near water for me is a bonus. I came to a small lake that is nestled very close to the canal, it must be ten years since I was last here, I got talking to a Scottish guy who was fishing and I recalled how it used to be full of large Carp, he told me they had all been moved, either sold or stolen and that all was in there now were small carp and silver fish. I could hear a Green Woodpecker very close although I never got a sighting, another place to bear in mind when the leafs fall and make it easier for birding.
After about a half hour of passing the time of day I moved on, by now I had walked about three miles, and never fancy covering the same ground on the way back so as I continued my walk I called Jak on the mobile and asked if she would pick me up when I felt had walked enough? Being the good gal she is said she would if she could find me.
I noticed some Bulrush growing in the margins of the canal and it reminded me that most folk do not recognise it as such, they refer to Reed mace as Bulrush, strange as they are miles apart in appearance.
Reed Mace
I walked for another two miles and then came across two guys tending to the towpath, one with a mower and the other with a very loud strimmer. I was close to a road now and thought it time to ring Jak, come and get me I said. She said she would be half an hour so I walked a further 500 yards to an old lock house where I notice a large number of Swallows, great I thought as I watched them swooping down to the water and take a drink, I positioned myself at the base of a set of steps that lead to the next level of water at the side of a locks, I could look directly down the canal, ideal as the sun was also in the right direction. I tried to focus on a couple of Swallows without success but thought it only a matter of time. How wrong could I be as strimmer boy appeared on the bend of the footpath, he appeared and the Swallows disappeared.
Strimmer Boy
I walked the short distance back between the locks to wait for Jak, as I got to the bridge she was coming over it, great timing. She took me back to the Manor and I got my car. I was not giving up yet, not with the Dragon Flies anyway, so I headed to the lake on the edge of Newton Harcourt, built especially for the farmer to water his taters. I had seen a few Dragons there in the past, I was not to be disappointed this time, although there was only a couple of pairs. I tried to get some in flight images but at this time of day I reckon my reactions had slowed so I settled for trying to find them as rest, not always easy I can tell you.
I can across a Common Hawker female and watched as she continually flew back and forth over a short stretch of water, in time she landed, now was my chance.
Common Hawker (Female)
She had started to lay eggs so I hoped she would be too pre-occupied now to notice me and my big lens.W hy do the always face the wrong way? Dunno buy they do, Its not easy getting close without disturbing them, especially when you have a dodgy knee, but I was not going to let a bit of pain stop me from achieving my objective.
The egg laying process
I was happy I had at least got a couple of images, I hate being out and returning with nothing. I managed a one shot of a Common Darter, before it darted off, so all in all a good day.
Common Darter
Maybe I should have gone directly to the lake this morning, but I did enjoy the walk if not the fishing.