A perch
Having filled my belly with a bacon sarnie and some Cadbury's chocky we set off down stream for a cruise, stopping off at lunchtime for a quick tipple at the New Inn pub at Rockland St Mary. I love walking around the Broad here so while Jak read her book I took my camera for a walk. I am always on the lookout for a glimpse of the Chinese Water deer that reside in this area, a very wiley animal which tends to stay hidden most of the time. It is interesting to note that we have more Chinese water deer in Norfolk than they do in China where it has become a protected species. Having heard but not seen the Cuckoo I was delighted to see one of my favourite birds the Wren,Britain's most common breeding bird, having said that you have to be alert to spot them amongst the brambles etc,it treated me to its beautiful song for a minute or so before scurrying away again.
I don't know why it is but of late I seem to be taking more interest in wild flowers and I was reminded of a fact I first learned of as a kid as I looked at the Dogrose, a lovely single rose that climbs amongst the trees and hedges, the fact I was referring to is that the wild rose has seven petals per leaf while the cultivated rose has five, strange how these things stick in the mind.

I met up with a couple of Norfolk firemen who were gazing over the Broad looking for signs of Carp giving away their position apparently, they intended to set up for a night session in the hope of landing a 30lb wild fish, its amazing what you get to know from talking to folk for a few minutes, it turns out they work with a mate of mine at the same fire station.I wished them well and set off back to my boat. I noticed some movement in the long grass in the meadow that surrounds the Broad, on closer inspection it became apparent a water deer was grazing, although some distance away I reckoned with the camera on its tripod I could get a decent shot. I watched him for more than ten minutes before he noticed my presence and moved on, I got a few decent images and feel sure one day I will get much closer to one of these beautiful animals.
The next day saw a return to the marina and then a visit by car to Salhouse to investigate the pub in the village, we had heard some very good reports about the food, pulling into the large car park it was evident they were busy even though it was a mid-week lunchtime as we found it difficult to find an empty parking space. A swift half and a talk with a few of the locals confirmed what we had heard so a return soon for a meal is definitely on the cards.
Salhouse broad is a lovely place for a walk so off we set, walking along a line of ancient Oak trees leads directly to the Broad, the view is stunning and with a number of boats moored up with folk enjoying their holidays added to the scene. Walking along a boardwalk that borders the water we came to notice a Grey Heron, he obviously had his eye on a meal so we paused for a while to watch what happened. His stare was chilling as he locked on to his prey, then without notice he dived headfirst into the water completely submerging himself, seconds later he returned to his lofty position with a small roach in his mouth.

I thought to myself this guy is nearly as good a fisherman as me.
Not for the first time we saw the ice cream man at Salhouse, nothing strange in that you may say, until you realise this oakey bloke is in a boat, very enterprising I reckon, just wave and he comes over to your boat, this time we gave him a miss, but he was doing a brisk trade to say the least.
I needed to be back home today (Friday) to watch the footy with my Grandson, although having just sat through one of the worst England performance I can remember I wondered why I bothered. Oh yeah, I am backing the beard so you may not recognise me next time I see you.